Once upon a time we had a lot to fight for
We had a dream, we had a plan
Sparks in the air we spread a lot of envy
Didn´t have to care once upon a time
Remember when I swore
My love was never ending
And you and I would never die
Remember when I swore
We had it all
We had it all
Sail away, it´s time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, I´ll sail away
Once upon a time we used to burn candles
We had a place to call a home
The dream that we lived
was better than divine
Everyday was like a gift
Once upon a time
Remember when you swore
Your love was never ending
That you and I will never die
Remember when you swore
We had it all
We´d never fall
Sail away, it´s time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, twilight´s calling my name
You will stay, I´ll sail away
No reason to lie
No need to pretend
I´m grateful to die
To live once again
I´m fearless to fly
And reach for the end
And reach for the end
Sail away
Sail away, it´s time to leave
Rainy days are yours to keep
Fade away, the night is calling my name
You will stay, I´ll sail away
Sail away
The night is calling my name
Sail away
FOB-Thanks For The Memories
(It sends you to me without wait)
Say a prayer but let the good times roll
In case God doesn´t show
(Let the good times roll, let the good times roll)
And I want these words to make things right
But it´s the wrongs that make the words come to life
"Who does he think he is?"
If that´s the worst you got
Better put your fingers back to the keys
One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren´t so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"He, he tastes like you only sweeter"
Been looking forward to the future
But my eyesight is going bad
And this crystal ball
It´s always cloudy except for
When you look into the past (look into the past)
One night stand (one night stand off)
One night and one more time
[Thanks For The Memories lyrics on]
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren´t so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"He, he tastes like you only sweeter"
They say I only think in the form of crunching numbers
In hotel rooms collecting page six lovers
Get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes
I´m a liner away from getting you into the mood, whoa
One night and one more time
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren´t so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"He, he tastes like you only sweeter"
One night and one more time (One more night, one more time)
Thanks for the memories
even though they weren´t so great
"He tastes like you only sweeter"
One night, yeah, and one more time (One more night, one more time)
Thanks for the memories, thanks for the memories
"He, he tastes like you only sweeter" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Don´t want to be an American idiot.
Don´t want a nation under the new media.
And can you hear the sound of hysteriea?
The subliminal mind fuck America
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the idiot nation.
Where everything isn´t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We´re not the ones meant to follow.
For that´s enough to argue.
Well Maybe I am the faggot, America.
I´m not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along to the age of paranoia.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the idiot nation.
Where everything isn´t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We´re not the ones meant to follow.
For that´s enough to argue.
Don´t wanna be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria
Calling out to idiot America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the idiot nation.
Where everything isn´t meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We´re not the ones meant to follow.
For that´s enough to argue.
I´m sorry
I can´t be perfect
hey´re gonna clean up your looks
with all the lies in the books
to make a citizen out of you
because they sleep with a gun
and keep an eye on you, son
so they can watch all the things you do
because the drugs never work
they gonna give you a smirk
´cause they got methods
o´ keepin´ you clean
they gonna rip up yo heads
your aspirations to shreds
another cog in the murder machine
they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone´ll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they´ll leave you alone
but not me!
the boys and girls in the clique
the awful names that they stick
you´re never gonna fit in much, kid
but if you´re troubled and hurt
what you got under your shirt
will make them pay for the things that they did
they said all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone´ll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they´ll leave you alone
but not me!
woahohhh yeah,!
they say all teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone´ll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they´ll leave you alone
but not me!
teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone´ll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they´ll leave you alone
but not me!
all together now, teenagers scare the living shit out of me
they could care less as long as someone´ll bleed
so darken your clothes
or strike a violent pose
maybe they´ll leave you alone
but not me!
Simple Plane-I AM JUST A KID
I woke up it was 7
I waited till 11
Just to figure out that no one would call
I think i got a lot of friends but I don´t hear from them
What´s another night all alone?
When your spending everyday on your own
And here it goes
I´m just a kid and life is a nightmare
I´m just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I´m alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
And maybe when the night is dead, I´ll crawl into my bed
Staring at these 4 walls again
I´ll try to think about the last time, I had a good time
Everyone´s got somewhere to go
And they´re gonna leave me here on my own and here it goes
I´m just a kid and life is a nightmare
I´m just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I´m alone and the world is
Having more fun than me
What the hell is wrong with me?
Don´t fit in with anybody
How did this happen to me?
Wide awake I´m bored and I can´t fall asleep
And every night is the worst night ever
I´m just a kid [repeat x5]
I´m just a kid and life is a nightmare
I´m just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I´m alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world.
I´m just a kid and life is a nightmare
I´m just a kid, I know that its not fair
Nobody cares, cause I´m alone and the world is
Nobody wants to be alone in the world
Nobody cares, cause I´m alone and the world is
Having more fun than me tonight
I´m all alone tonight
Nobody cares tonight
Cause I´m just a kid tonight
Přehled komentářů
Super stránky, mrkněte na moje
Bless the Fall - Times Like These
(Ewičkáá, 28. 9. 2008 12:06)
You make me whole
And I want to thank you for this
And I wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
You push me to strive harder, when I'm unable
And I want you said, I need this
And I want, you said, don't leave this
Now's our time we're gonna make things right
Pull through tonight
Now's our time we're gonna make things right
Pull through tonight
I remember when we were younger
We had nothing but strived for something
And I remember when we were younger
We had nothing but strived for something
And I wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
And I wanna thank you for this chance to be angels
And I want, I want, and I wanna thank you for this
And I want, I want, and I wanna thank you for this
Thank you for, for everything,
We had nothing, strived for something
I remember when we were young, we had nothing and strived for something
And now I want to know like fire, like fire
Come and drown with me like the fire
Come and light the fire
Come and light the fire
Come and light the fire
Come and light the flames...
depkaaa... mash asi ked ma widish
(EwicQa41, 24. 3. 2008 20:35)
Má šťastie na chlapov, vždy stretne debila
Nevie si vymyslieť čo by tak robila
Má psa a zajaca, falošnú priateľku
Namiesto na hviezdy pozerá na telku
Vidí sa v zrkadle, rada by zhodila
Chce veľa slobody aj by už rodila
Visí len na vlásku visí len na niti
Adeptov na lásku posiela do riti
Vlastne by poslala, keby bol záujem
Všetkých čo neznáša tých tajne miluje
O kúsok nádeje každý ju okradol
Nakoniec skončila s depkou jak hovado
Depresívna mladá
Robí v jednej zbermi
Bojí sa mať rada
Svet sa jej zdá čierny
Márne sa snažila
Nakoniec zistila
Že aj tí čo vyhrávajú
Nakoniec vždy prehrajú
Neprehrajú iba tí čo
Tí čo nikdy nehrajú
Depka je krajina zamknutá za mreže
Depka je kamoška ktorá ti povie že
Už dávno vedela prečo mu nerežeš
Depka je tupý nôž, daždivé nábrežie
Depka je polievka varená zo smoly
Depka je poznanie ktoré vždy zabolí
Vypnutý telefón, žiarovka bez prúdu
Vŕtanie do vody, pokuta za nudu
Ref 2:
Vyhulená hnusná gandža, mokrý igelit
Zrada toho komu chceš aj nechceš uveriť
Čierne slnko, čierne mlieko, čierna obloha
Je tá depka od človeka či je od Boha
a žeby prepinaQ
(EwičQa, 24. 3. 2008 20:31)
Čakám ju pred domom
prší mi za golier
Odkiaľ sa poznáme nikomu nepoviem
Klasicky hanblivá, smeje sa očami
má sinku na lakti a tašku od mamy.
®:Chcem s ňou ísť, vláčikom
na výlet do Modry
Najprv sa poškriepiť, potom sa udobriť
Mať svoje tajomstvá zamknúť ich na kľúčik
držať sa za ruky, nechcieť sa rozlúčiť
Vymýšľať priateľom bláznivé mená
Škoda, že je, škoda že je iba vymyslená.
Čakám ju pred domom, prší mi za golier
odkiaľ sa poznáme, nikomu nepoviem
Škoda že je, škoda že je iba Vymyslená
Škoda že je, škoda že je iba Vymyslená
o BAJI (prepinaQ ete staale)
(EwičQa, 24. 3. 2008 20:30)
Básnik by povedal,
že máš oči ako súmrak nad milovaným mestom
A pusu - keď vystúpiš z autobusu
celá, celučičká ulica otočí hlavu
Postavu máš - hm,
s jej popisom by básnik asi nemal veľa práce,
povedal by len:zraniteľná a vyzývavá zároveň,
ako stvorená na materstvo a veci s tým súvisiace.
Minule, už ani neviem kde to bolo,
si zasa raz nahodila ten svoj pohľad
a posmešne zdvihla kútik
a všetci muži naokolo sa zatvárili
akoby sa v tej chvíli musel svet zrútiť
Básnik by povedal že je to mágia večnej ženy v tebe,
a žiadúca ako soľ v chlebe
Básnik by o tebe určite napísal veľkú
velikánsku básnickú zbierku - ak nie dve.
Ale ja som len úplne normálny cvok
a jediné v čom sa vyznám je rock
Píšem len muziku na každý deň
a tak ti to tu teraz zahrám a zaspievam
jednoducho ako viem
® Si kočka, si kočka, si kočka
A perfektne urobená
Si krajšia než obloha nočná
Než modlitba na kolenách.
Si kočka, si kočka, si kočka
A pre mňa si jediná z žien
v tom najhoršom pekle ťa počkám
Ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa, ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa,
Ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa - povieš, že ľúbiť ťa smiem
Básnik by povedal, že si krajšia ako revolúcia
a mocnejšia ako cigaretové monopoly,
lebo jediný tvoj pohľad
je účinnejší a aj viac bolí
než vážna kampaň v médiach.
Naozaj, si presvedčivá
ako červené Ferrari
alebo ako socha, kniha, či pieseň,
keď sa podarí a básnik by o tom
všetkom napísal
tisíce krásnych slov.
Ale ja som len úplne ...
Si kočka, si kočka, si kočka
A perfektne vydarená
Si krajšia než obloha nočná
Než modlitba na kolenách.
Si kočka, si kočka, si kočka
Si všetko, čo na svete chcem
V tom najhoršom pekle ťa počkám
Ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa,
ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa
Ak povieš, že ľúbiť ťa
Povieš, že ľúbiť ťa smiem.
prepinaQ pokračuje
(EwičQa, 24. 3. 2008 20:29)
Zaľúbil sa chlapec tak už sa to stalo
čo sa vlieklo krokom, beží teraz cvalom
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, trocha ho to vzalo.
V duchu bol už s tebou v sladkom šere kina
Toľko krát ťa videl a zrazu si iná
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, čia to bude vina ?
Taký malý zmätok rozkvitol mu v duši
To čo by chcel vedieť, zatiaľ iba tuší
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, až mu horia uši.
Všetky krásne slová
pod jazykom driemu
Chce ti to povedať,
má však ešte trému
Zatiaľ sa len učí odkiaľ, kam a kade
Ako sa má chodiť, po tenučkom ľade
Do teba, do teba, do teba,
zaľúbil sa chlapec
Do teba, do teba, do teba, dúfam že ho chápeš
Do teba, do teba, do teba,
zaľúbil sa chlapec
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, tak už sa to stalo
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, trocha ho to vzalo
Taký malý zmätok rozkvitol mu v duši
Zaľúbil sa chlapec, až mu horia uši.
Toľko tvárí v dave, len jedna je tvoja
Veľa rúk je prázdnych, len dve sa však spoja
Iba tí sa stretnú, ktorí o to stoja
Chcel som ti povedať,
nesmelo a skromne
že tá pieseň bola o tebe a o mne
O tebe a o mne, o tebe a o mne, o tebe a o mne.
teraz mám prepinaQ >Elán
(EwičQa, 24. 3. 2008 20:28)
Má všade jemnučké chĺpky jak broskyňa
Chcem po nich prstami na zajtra spomínať
Aj keď sa stretneme pozeráš do zeme
Vždy si to tajomstvo očami povieme
Očami povieme
Očami povieme
Teba raz pristihnú, usvedčia, odhalia
Vyhlásia za svätú alebo upália
Ty si tá bosorka z krajiny Marlboro
Ktorá sa ukrýva v rockových kláštoroch
V rockových kláštoroch
V rockových kláštoroch
Prečo si mi utiekla?
Prečo sa mi skrývaš?
Stále sa mi miluje
Že sa s tebou snívam
Ani sme sa nehľadali a predsa zme sa našli
Ani sme to netušili a boli sme jasný
V pivárni sa pilo málo dal som si tri pivá
V noci sa mi milovalo, že sa s tebou snívam
Prečo si mi utiekla...
Prečo si ma uriekla...
Teba raz pristihnú, usvedčia, odhalia
Vyhlásia za svätú alebo upália
Pre mňa to bude už bohužial neskoro
Ooou bohužial neskoro
Ooou bohužial neskoro
Ooou milovať bosorku
Ooou v rockových kláštoroch
Prečo si mi utiekla...
Prečo si ma uriekla...
(Luxus, 28. 8. 2010 23:14)